Tuesday, November 13, 2007

When? Where? When? Where?

One week later... and it seems that the pressure's on to set a date (and a location too!) I've heard "when is the big day" and "where's it going to be" countless times in the last week. So I will share with you what our status is as of today, 7 short days after engagement.

We'd like "the big day" to be on Labor Day weekend 2008. This narrows it down to August 30 or 31. However, this all hinges on where we decide to get married and if it happens to be available. So this date is not set in stone, but that's the plan for now.

Now for where...
Ask us in about a week. We're still deciding what to do and hope that having the week off next week to look at places around Champaign, and then doing the same up in Chicago later that week will help us decide what we think is right for us. Trust me, I'll keep you posted!


Anonymous said...

Tour of Europe for the honeymoon would probably be 10000x cooler than the alternatives. Go on a cruise for vacation sometime.

Congrats to both of you again!

smykwins said...

Amy -
You were suppose to have the wedding planned out first...THEN pick the groom!

Nat said...

I say have a honeymoon every year in every cool place that you guys can think of!!!!