Check out our beautiful invites- they're already here! Watch for them in the mail sometime in June... :-)
When Mike and I went out for "date night" last night, we were talking about how soon the wedding is. Basically, here's how our next few weeks go... This Friday is my first Relay event of the season. Between this week and the second weekend in June (7 short weeks), all my Relays take place, so that's pretty much going to be a whirlwind of activity. Then, a week after Relays are done, Mike and I go to Chicago for a Kenny Chesney concert (thanks Dad!) and my bridal shower (thanks Mom!) That following week, Mike leaves to go to the Olympic Trials for the greater part of a week. Then the first week in August will be my kickoff breakfast for Strides, my breast cancer walk in October. And at that point, we're down to three weeks until the wedding! Woo hoo!
Have a great weekend, and talk to you soon!